You can download our mobile applications if you are in any of these countries: Nigeria, Ghana, South Africa, United Kingdom, and the United States of America. We are working hard to ensure that other Jhubarians in other parts of the world can join us soon. Watch this space!
There are plans to roll out more features in the coming years. From launch date, we will have: Create Playlists, Store in Music Library, Search for your Favourite Artists and other Surprises..
We have various tiers that allows you to listen to music for Free with advertisement or switch to Premium service where you have the ability to listen to music when and how you want. The Premium service costs ₦750 per month.
We appreciate your eagerness to join the club, but please bare with us. We are cooking up the application in the system. We plan to make the application available for download in 2020. Ensure to enter your email address and we may invite you for early sign up.
Imagine a scenario, where you go to work and at the end of the month, your employer refuses to pay your salary. How long will you carry on going to work without any salary? Same goes for the people that put in hours of their time to provide great content. By streaming contents illegally, you are denying content owners their salary! Think about that next time you it crosses your mind to stream illegally.
Jhubaism is a state of mind that that does not happen by serendipity; but through the choice of streaming contents on Jhuba.